Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Here I want to talk about a film by Michael Bay which is I bet most of people already watched it “TRANFORMERS”. Is that ring a bell? I would like to start with the ‘Establishing Shot’. I might not a good criticizer but I just want to deliver of what I felt.

  1. Close-up shot & Extreme Close-up shot.

The Close-up shot & Extreme Close-up shot in this film was very nicely done. For example when the robots transform from one object to another object. The transformation processes show us in detail. It’s a highly praise for the director that put their hard work to gain the worth outcome. In the Extreme close-up I would said that its kind like ‘matrix action’. There is a time when the robot jumping over women that carrying a baby.

close up

Extreme Close up

  1. Long-shot & Extreme Long-shot.

I forgot which scenes have these elements because it’s too obvious that these two shot were always shown. One from it, when the military attacking the ‘Scorpion robots’.

Long Shot

Extreme Long Shot

Facial Expression

Second, it’s about the sound effect. The most sound that tackle my ears when the ‘little robots’ hacking the military defense system. Its funny and I wondering what kind of software they used to create it. I know that there are various audio editing software available but I just want to the exactly software that they used.

Lastly, facial expression. I believe you would agree with me if I told you that the greatest facial expression in this film when Bumblebee ask Sam to be quite. Its pulling my leg…

Well I guess that’s all. I told you that I’m not a good film criticizer. So that’s it. I have a question. When will the Malaysian film will be as level as Transformers? 2020? Hmmm…

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